TSR Registered Apprenticeship Program (TSR-RAP)

Launching in three Texas communities.
Designed to leverage the Texas School Ready (TSR) Comprehensive model, the Texas School Ready Registered Apprenticeship Program (TSR-RAP) aims to enhance education, credentialing, and career pathway opportunities for early childhood education professionals in Texas. By leveraging the TSR Comprehensive model, TSR-RAP is focused on helping early childhood teachers complete the training required to earn their CDA® Credential™ and partnering with institutions of higher education (IHEs) for college credits and accessible pathways to higher education.
Apprentices receive wage increases and stipends for milestones earned during the two-year apprenticeship program. In addition, they are given robust support and resources for professional development, including coaching and monitoring from their TSR coaches, TSR-RAP specialists, and early learning program directors.
The TSR-RAP launched fall 2023 in three communities: Amarillo, the Lower Rio Grande Valley, and Houston. We look forward to working with these diverse communities and learning from the first year of implementation!
Our goal is to aid apprentices in seeing increased wages, receiving credentials, and providing them with a pathway to a college degree(s). We also want to support host sites (ECE programs), aiding the apprentices through benefits and support. You can learn more about what benefits you will receive and eligibility through the buttons below.
This tool is designed to show all the elements used in the recruitment of host sites and apprentices to the TSR-RAP.
These templates are designed to show sample language you can include and the individuals needed to sign, when sending out the letters of commitment to apprentices and host sites.
This calculator is designed to help you see what wage increases will look like for each host site. This allows them to have a clear picture of what is being asked of them.
This flyer gives an easy to read quick overview of what benefits are available to potential apprentices and host-sites when joining the TSR-RAP.
This sample job posting is to help you outline the needed items for each job posting when recruiting apprentices.
This document shows how TSR Comprehensive activities and TSR-RAP activities may fit together in an implementation year.
These documents are organized by topics aligned to CDA® functional areas.
These sample schedules include TSR trainings and additional coursework on CLI Engage. (Note that apprentices who begin with extensive prior training may not need to complete additional coursework.)
These templates help the TSR-RAP specialist organize their monthly support of apprentices.
This tool is designed to be used by TSR-RAP specialist supervisors to rate the quality of sessions with apprentices. Ratings can be done by the supervisor joining the virtual session or viewing a recording.
Supervisor Fidelity Rating Tool
This report (sample provided only) helps the TSR-RAP specialist and the apprentice track the training topics and hours that apply toward the apprentice’s related training and instruction requirements, as well as to identify gaps.
Sample TECPDS Professional Development Report
Exported as an excel, this report aligns with the Department of Labor’s RAPIDS reporting system and its requirements. This download shows the data fields that are exported.
Sample TECPDS RAP Dashboard Report
This report (sample provided only) helps the TSR-RAP specialist and the apprentice track the CQI behaviors that TSR coaches record as “observed” for the apprentice. This report is used, along with other evidence, to determine which TSR-RAP competencies have been demonstrated.
Sample Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Tool Snapshot Report
The curriculum for TSR-RAP includes all of the professional learning activities of TSR Comprehensive. Clicking the link will allow you to scan through each component of the TSR Comprehensive program and better understand the coaching, level of rigor, and how the pieces fit together.
TSR Comprehensive Program Components
We aim to build strong and lasting relationships with IHEs. Through TSR-RAP, we plan to create opportunities mutually benefiting IHEs and TSR-RAP while supporting apprentices. We also intend to create a dual-enrollment model, where apprentices can simultaneously earn OJL credits and be awarded credits to apply toward a credential or degree program with the partnering IHE. Clicking the link will help you understand our goals, plans, and processes.
Opportunities for College and University Collaboration Flyer
The recruitment, selection, employment, and training of apprentices during their apprenticeship shall be without discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex. The sponsor, Children’s Learning Institute will take affirmative action to provide equal opportunity in apprenticeship and will operate the apprenticeship program as required under 29 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) & 30.